Polish Academy of Sciences, Botanical Garden-Center for Biological Diversity Conservation |
Publications of gentiana.pl
- Rybczyński J. J., Wójcik A. I. 2019.The effect of L-glutamine on the genetic transformation of embryogenic cell suspensions of gentian species (Gentiana lutea L., Gentiana cruciata L., and Gentiana kurroo Royle) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. BioTechnologia 100 (1) pp: 5–18
- Tomiczak K., Mikuła A., Niedziela A., Wójcik-Lewandowska., Domżalska L.,. Rybczyński J.J. 2019. Somatic embryogenesis in the family Gentianaceae and its Biotechnological Application. Frontires in Plant Science 10:762, doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00762
- Tomiczak K., Sliwińska E., Rybczyński J.J. 2017. Protoplast fusion in the genus Gentiana: genomic composition and genetic stability of somatic hybrids between Gentiana kurroo Royle and G. cruciata. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult DOI10.10007/s11240-017-1256-x
- Wójcik A.I., Rybczyński J.J. 2017. Genertic transformation of genetiana Gentiana tibetica (King) leaf explants with Agrpobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1. Acta Physiol. Plant. 39:29 (1-16).
- Tomiczak K., Śliwińska E., J. J. Rybczyński 2016. Comparison of the morphogenic potential of five Gentiana species in leaf mesophyll protoplast culture and ploidy stability of regenerated calli and plants. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture DOI 10.1007/s11240-016-1000-y
- Mikuła A., Tomiczak K., Domżalska L., Rybczyński J.J. 2015. Cryopreservation of Gentianaceae: Trends and Applications. In: Gentianaceae vol. 2: Biotechnology and Application (Eds Rybczynski JJ, Davey MR, Mikuła A,), Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London pp:267-286
- Rybczyński J.J., Davey M.R., Tomiczak K., Niedziela A., Mikuła A. 2015. Systems of plant regeneration in gentian in vitro cultures. In: Gentianaceae vol. 2: Biotechnology and Application (Eds Rybczyński JJ, Davey MR, Mikuła A,), Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London pp:1-44
- Tomiczak K., Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J. 2015. Protoplast culture and somatic cell hybridization of gentians. In: Gentianaceae vol. 2: Biotechnology and Application (Eds Rybczyński JJ, Davey MR, Mikuła A), Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London pp:163-185
- Tomiczak K, Mikuła A, Śliwińska E,. Rybczyński J J. 2015. Autotetraploid plant regeneration by indirect somatic embryogenesis from leaf mesophyll protoplasts of diploid Gentiana decumbens L. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology; 51:350-359 DOI: 10.1007/s11627-015-9674-0
- Wójcik A., J.J. Rybczyński. 2015. Electroporation and morphogenic potential of Gentiana kurroo (Royle) embryogenic cell suspension protoplasts. BioTechnologia 96(1): 19-29
- Niedziela A., Rybczyński J.J., 2014. Primary results of 2-dimensional electrophoresis for protein studies of Gentiana kurrooRoyle somatic embryos derived from long-term embryogenic cell suspension. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 83: 247-250
- Domżalska L., Kędracka-Krok S., J.J. Rybczyński. 2011. Proteomic changes in Gentiana cruciata L. cell suspension during adaptation to osmotic stress in cryopreservation protocol. Proceeding of the 17th Cold Hardiness Seminar in Poland, Kórnik, Poland May 17-18, 2011; ed. P.M.Pukacki : 44-52
- Domżalska L., J.J. Rybczyński. 2011. Proteomic changes in Gentiana cruciata cell suspension during cryopreservation protocol. In: Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe. Proceedings of the final meeting, Angers, France, Feb. 08-11, 2011, pp: 52-55
- Mikuła A., Tomiczak K., J.J. Rybczyński. 2011. Cryopreservation enhances embryogenic capacity of Gentiana cruciata (L.) suspension culture and maintains (epi)genetic uniformity of regenerants. Plant Cell Reports 30: 565-574
- Mikuła A., Tomiczak K., Wójcik A., J.J. Rybczyński 2011. Encapsulation-dehydration metod elevates embryogenic abilities of Gentiana kurroo cell suspension and carrying on genetic stability of its regenerants after cryopreservation. Acta Horticulture 908;143-154
- Fiuk A., Bednarek P.T., Rybczyński J.J. 2010. Flow cytometry, HPLC-RP, and metAFLP analyses to assess genetic variability in somatic embryo-derived plantlets of Gentiana panonnioca Scop. Plant Mol. Biol Rep.28; 413-420,
- Fiuk A., Rybczynski J. J. 2008 Genotype and plant growth regulator-dependent respopnse of somatic embryogenesis from Gentiana spp. leaf explants.In Vtro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Planta 44:90 - 99,
- Fiuk A., Rybczynski J.J. 2008 Morphogenic capability of Gentiana kurroo (Royle) seedling and leaf explants Acta Physiol Plant 30: 157-166
- Fiuk A., Rybczynski J. J. 2008 Factors influencing efficiency of somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana kurroo (Royle) cell suspension. Plant Biotechnol. Rep. 2: 33 - 39.
- Mikuła A., Olasa M., Śliwińska E., Rybczyński J.J. 2008 Cryopreservation by encapsulation of Gentiana spp. cell suspension maintains regrowth, embryogenic competance and DNA content. CryoLetters 29: 409-418
- Fiuk A., Rybczynski J. J. 2007 The effect of several factors on somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in protoplast cultures of Gentiana kurroo (Royle). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 91: 263 -271
- Rybczynski J.J., Borkowska B., Fiuk A., Gawronska H., Sliwinska E., Mikula A. 2007. Effect of sucrose concentration on photosynthetic activity of in vitro cultures Gentiana kurroo (Royle) germlings. Acta Physiol. Plant. 29: 445-453.
- Tomiczak K., Rybczynski J.J. 2007. Plant regeneration of Gentiana kurroo Royle and G. tibetica King from green leaf mesophyll protoplasts. 54th Meeting of Polish Botanical Society “Botany in Poland—successes, problems, prospects”. Szczecin, Poland, 3–8 September
- Fiuk A., Tomiczak K., Ładyżyński M., Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J. 2006. Somatyczna międzygatunkowa hybrydyzacja w rodzaju Gentiana (Interspecific somatic hybridization within Gentiana genus). W: Sodkiewicz W, Sodkiewicz T, Surma M (red.). Mieszańce oddalone roślin uprawnych. Instytut Genetyki Roślin PAN w Poznaniu. 191-195 (summary in English)
- Mikuła A. 2006. Comparision of three techniques for cryopreservation and reestablishment of long-term Gentiana tibetica suspension culture. CryoLetters, vol. 27: 268-282
- Mikuła A., Niedzielski M., Rybczyński J.J., 2006. The use of TTC reduction assay for assessment of Gentiana spp. cell suspension viability after cryopreservation. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 28: 315-324.
- Mikuła A. 2005. The viability of gentians cells suspension after treatment ultralow temperature. W: Hołubowicz T, Pukacki PM (red) Referaty I doniesienia zaakceptowane do zaprezentowania na XIV ogólnopolskim seminarium Sekcji "Mrozoodporność" w dniach 17-18 maja 2005 roku w Instytucie Dendrologii PAN w Kórniku. 63-70. (summary in English).
- Mikuła A., Fiuk A., Rybczyński J.J. 2005. Induction, maintenance and preservation of embryogenic competence of Gentiana cruciata L. culture. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Seria Botanica 47/1 227-236
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J., Skierski J., Latkowska M.J., Fiuk A. 2005. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana genus IV: Characterisation of Gentiana cruciata and Gentiana tibetica embryogenic cell suspensions. In: Hvolsef-Eide AK and Preil W (eds.) Liquid Culture Systems for In Vitro Plant Propagation, 345-358. Springer, Printed in the Netherlands.
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J., Skierski J., Latkowska M.J., Fiuk A., 2005. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana genus IV: Characterisation of Gentiana cruciata and Gentiana tibetica embryogenic cell suspensions. In: Hvolsef-Eide AK and Preil W (eds.) Liquid Culture Systems for In Vitro Plant Propagation, 345-358. Springer, Printed in the Netherlands.
- Mikuła A., Tykarska T., Kuraś M. 2005. Ultrastructure of Gentiana tibetica proembryogenic cells before and after cooling treatments. Cryoletters 26: 367-378
- Mikuła A., Tykarska T., Kuraś M., Rybczyński J.J. 2005. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana cruciata ( L.): histological and ultrastructural changes in seedling hypocotyl explants. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biology -Plant 41: 686-694
- Rybczyński J.J., Mikuła A., Fiuk A. 2005. Plant biotechnology in protection of Polish flora. A.Nadolny (ed) in Biotechnology. Proceedings of the International Reviev Conference. Vienna, November 14-18, 2004. 51-60.
- Mikuła A., Niedzielski M., Fiuk A., Zielińska M., Rybczyński J.J. 2004. TTC test functionality in evaluation of surviving of Gentiana PEM after cryopreservation. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 26 (3 supplement):233.
- Mikuła A., Tykarska T., Zielińska M., Rybczyński J.J, Kuraś M. 2004. Ultrastructural changes in zygotic embryos of Gentiana punctata (L.) during initiation and formation of callus tissue and somatic embryos. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia series Botanica 46:1-12.
- Rybczyński J.J., Fiuk A., Borkowska B., Gawrońska H., Bernat W., Mikuła A. 2004. Photosynthetic activity of in vitro cultured Gentiana kurroo on medium with different sucrose concentrations. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 26 (3 supplement):104.
- Rybczyński J.J., Mikuła A. 2004. Embryogenic cell suspension - the model system for studies of plant differentiation. - Embriogeniczna zawiesina komórkowa modelem do badań procesów różnicowania roślin. W: Krajewski P, Zwierzykowski Z, Kachlicki P (red.) Genetyka w ulepszaniu roślin użytkowych. Monografia. Instytut Genetyki Roślin PAN. Poznań. str. 335-350. (only summary in English)
- Fiuk A., Rajkiewicz M., Rybczyński J.J. 2003. In vitro culture of Gentiana kurroo (Royle). Biotechnologia, 3(63):267-274. [In Polish].
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J., 2003. The cryopreservation of cell suspension of selected species of Gentiana taxa. Biotechnologia, 3(62):39-51. [In Polish].
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J., Latkowska M.J. 2002. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana cruciata (L.) and G. tibetica (King) in long - term suspension cultures. Proceedings 1st Int. Symposium. Liquid system for in vitro mass propagation of plants, May 29th - June 2nd 2002, 96-97. Norway.
- Mikuła A., Skierski J., Rybczyński J.J. 2002. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana genus III. Characterization of three-year-old embryogenic suspensions of G. pannonica originated from various seedling explants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 24: 311-322.
- Mikuła A., Tykarska T., Rybczyński J.J., Kuraś M. 2002. Ultrastructural analysis of initial stages of dedifferentiation of root explants of Gentiana cruciata seedlings. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 71: 287-297.
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J. 2001. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana genus I. The effect of the preculture treatment and primary explant origin on somatic /embryogenesis of Gentiana cruciata (L.), G. pannonica (Scop.) and G. tibetica (King). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 23: 15-25.
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J., Tykarska T., Kuraś M. 2001. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana genus II. Scanning and ultrastructural analysis of early stages of somatic embryogenesis in liquid medium. Biological Bulletin of Poznań 38: 47-53.
- Mikuła A., Tykarska T., Zielińska M., Rybczyński J.J., Kuraś M., 2000. Ultrastructure of initial stages of tissue proliferation of Gentiana punctata zygotic embryo on induction medium. IX. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kultur in vitro i Biotechnologii Roślin "Modyfikowanie Genomu Roślin", Gdańsk - Sobieszewo 10-13 IX 2000, s.115.
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J. 1999. Present status of Gentiana taxa biotechnology - A review. Biotechnologia 4: 1-16. [in Polish].
- Mikuła A., Tykarska T., Kuraś M., Iwanowska A, Rybczyński J.J. 1996. Studies on the morphogenic potential of Gentianas in cell suspension. In: Proceedings International Symposium. Breeding research on medicinal and aromatic plants. June 30-July 4, 1996, 290-295. Quedlinburg, Germany.
- Mikuła A., Wesołowska M., Kapusta J., Skrzypczak L., Rybczyński J.J. 1996. Cytomorphological studies on somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana tibetica (King) and G. cruciata (L.). Acta Societatis Bot. Pol. 65: 47-51.
- Mikuła A., Rybczyński J.J., 1994. Somatic embryogenesis of Gentiana taxa. VI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kultur In Vitro Katowice- Ustroń. 425-432. [in Polish].